Yoga & the Natural Voice
Connecting Voice to Body and Soul

JULIE RUSSELL guides the body through hatha yoga and t'ai chi, while JOCELYN KASPER evokes natural voice use through a series of innovative processes. Their intuitive and supportive teaching styles create a safe environment for adventurous "play" with the whole self. Join us!
Finding Your Voice Through Yoga
The voice is the muscle of the soul. ~ Alfred Wolfsohn
Relax. Energize. Open your voice to discovery in a full-day workshop, exploring the connection between yoga, t'ai chi and the human voice.
Show MoreShow lessWorkshop participants experience yoga asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathwork) to support and open the natural flow of easy voice use.
The fluid and graceful movements of t'ai chi and the gentle actions of Breema ready the body for its most resonant and natural sound in song and the spoken word. Other practices (Alexander Technique, weight and resistance training, dance, affirmations and meditation) are also touched on to engage your imagination.
Reactivate the Bodymind to express the True Voice within
Learn to balance your energy for an effortless, relaxed focus while engaged in any vocal activity with dynamic equilibrium. Let go of old patterns and release the need to sound like someone else. Acknowledge your fear, and celebrate your voice.
Show MoreShow lessChanting, reading and simple sung tones evoke the regeneration of your natural, authentic voice. Singing is not required; but you may blend in with some fun group sing-alongs on familiar, easy folk songs and old favorites.
This workshop benefits singers, actors, teachers, and other professional voice users, as well as those seeking creative avenues for personal growth and vocal self-expression.
Voice Is Energy
Energized vocal flow requires both muscular resistance and release. The dynamic equilibrium you feel when your body is perfectly balanced in action gives birth to your free and naturally expressive voice.
Show MoreShow lessYou have ONE VOICE, comprised of a breathing mechanism, a set of vocal cords and multiple resonators, which enables all functions of vocal expression. You can speak and sing with one authentic voice based in the freely moving body.
Even though you may enjoy making different kinds of vocal sounds and noises, you speak and sing with one and the same apparatus. Learn to transform your concept of voice use from "head-" and "chest-voice" into "Body-Voice."
TIME: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Kaspermusic Conservatory
FEE: $95 ($75 early-bird), non-refundable unless cancelled by instructors.
REGISTER IN ADVANCE: Please submit Enrollment Application and fee.
BRING: sticky mat and thin blanket if on hand; sheet music or text if desired; comfortable, stretchy wear; a covered dish to share (beverages provided).
CALL: Jocelyn at 615-383-8516 or Julie at 615-831-0440 for more info.
- Clearing away excess tension to release the natural voice
- Improved overall body coordination
- Letting go of inhibitions
- Increased confidence and self esteem
- Feeling comfortable taking risks
- Ease in conversation and public speaking
- Enjoyment of singing and music
- Fellowship among human beings
- Connection to nature and to the greater world
What is the Natural Voice?
THE NATURAL VOICE is the voice you use to laugh and cry, shout and whisper, roar and coo, growl and squeal. Alfred Wolfsohn said that the voice of beast and angel, of man and woman, of child and aged live within and can be expressed through each individual.
Show MoreShow lessWolfsohn (1896-1962), a German singing teacher who ran a school of psychophysical vocal development in England during the 1940's and 1950's, was a pioneer in the realms of voice research. His avant-garde studies revealed the potential of the voice as not only an instrument of artistic expression but also of human development and therapy.
Afraid of high notes? Uncover the power of your own natural sound and retire the critic. Enjoy a full day of judgment-free play. Move. Dance. Flow. Let your natural voice find its own way out of your body and into the world.
Give voice to your feelings! Find the way to vocally express what it is you need to say in your life.
Contact us
Ella has really enjoyed the camp! Thank you
- M. G.
Grace is having a great time and came home last night wanting to play more guitar!
- J. S.
You have always been a constant in my life for the past 11 years. I am so grateful for all you have taught me, not only musically but in life as well. Taking lessons with you has helped me break out of my shell and become more confident in myself.
- R. M.
[Joceyn Kasper] was such a great teacher and always so wonderfully positive! Never judged. I still remember things she taught me all those decades ago..these years I’ve found my voice again. Singing makes a person healthy and happy!
- J. R.
You are such a resource and inspiration to my being.
- H. S.
I got a book a while back: "A Classical Approach to Jazz Piano." I looked closely at it in the store, to be sure that I could deal with it, and thanks to my brief tenure with Jocelyn Kasper, I saw that I could.
- B. T.
I loved my lessons with Ms. Kasper. She always made me feel like a good piano player, even though I wasn't!
- A. J.
Thank you so much for teaching Jackson. He loved you as a teacher and he learned so much. He loves the instrument as a result and you were great with the kids! Thanks again,
- L. S.
Many thanks for your great teaching ability!! Carter very much enjoyed your class!
- A. C.
Glad to see that Graham enjoys this and is actually learning something (thanks to you!). I'll need to be better about helping him stick to a practice schedule. Thanks again,
- R. I.
Thanks for a great year. Kiran really enjoyed it and… is keen to buy an electric guitar.
- M. T.
Thank you so much for working with Mack this year. He has improved so much and he loves guitar! You do a great job with him. He needs direction and consistent discipline and he repsonds VERY WELL to you! It is amazing to see his interest and focus as you…
- B.F.H.
Thank you for a wonderful year!
- K. H.
Thank you so much for teaching my son… the guitar. Will loved taking lessons and I enjoyed watching his growing appreciation for music. I enjoyed the recital and appreciate all the hard work you have done. Thank you so much for all you added to our lives.
- J. H. H.
Landon loved his first lesson. I was amazed how much he learned in a 30 minute lesson. :)
- M. C.
You are the best teacher ever and if I am doing well it is due to YOU!
- S. M. R.
Ethan would love to continue guitar lessons with you in the Fall. Thank you for all that you've done. I am amaized at the results, considering how little Ethan practiced at home! Thanks again,
- M. T.
Thanks so much for teaching Henry this past semester. He really enjoyed it.
- J. Mc.
Thanks for a great lesson today… just when you think you have a piece down pat, there are so many more ways to improve it and make it ever more musical!
- D. N.
Thanks for your very clear explanations and instructions and your encouragement and great enthusiasm for life and MUSIC!
- H. S.
Thanks for teaching Will. He loves your class.
- C. M.
After one short lesson, MacGregor jumped into the car and played the theme from Mission Impossible ALL THE WAY HOME! Thank you for opening the world of music to him - by teaching him the guitar!
- J. M.
I am a former voice student of Jocelyn Kasper. I can say without a doubt she helped me to become a more confident singer. I wholehearted recommend her to anyone.
- T. W.
I sang some this morning for the first time since my last lesson and it was so relaxing, it is amazing what singing and music in general can do for one's psychology!
- D. N.
Jolie really loved music class and absolutely loves to sing.
- C. S. G.
I have enjoyed seeing olivia progress over the year. she's more confident, she sings from her diaphragm, proudly projecting! it's great to see her enthusiasm. i'm grateful for your instruction and guidance.
- A. N.
Your relationship with Fiona is very special. She admires you very much.
- N. M.
Thank you so much for all your support and understanding yesterday, it helped very much to just be able to talk to you about it.
- D. N.
I've learned so much from you, not only about singing and music, but about life! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
- H. H.
Thank you for teaching me how to sing better! I've had so much fun during voice lessons.
- J. M.
Cannot express my gratitude at having you in my life!!
- G. F.
I enjoyed our summer lessons with Schubert. You opened up a treasure trove for me I never even knew existed.
- D. N.
Jocelyn, you've taught me so much. You're a great teacher and I'm going to miss you.
- M. W.
I asked him yesterday if he wanted to keep taking guitar and he said "yes mam' as long as I can I want to!!" That is very encouraging!
- B. F. H.
Thank you for never giving up on me! You are the best :-)
- A. S.
... a wonderful voice lesson ... I feel I am learning so much ... about what singing really means!
- D. N.
Thank you for your encouragement. I feel like I have a voice after your excellent, precise, professional instruction. You are a master ...
- S. M. R.